30 September 2024

This report is a collation of available and selective (high-level) information from existing reports and whānau engagement results, sorted into a useable form for Te Tiratū, around three service domains:
  • Public and Population Health
  • Primary and Community Care
  • Hospital and Specialist Services.
We needed to find a way to simplify the complexity and scope, and to have key information in one place.
The report does not cover every single service or programme from within the health system, but it does reflect the areas of high utilisation (or under-utilisation) by whānau Māori, greatest investment by Te Whatu Ora, and where we as an IMPB can have the greatest impact. This is not necessarily how Te Tiratū thinks about health systems or hauora – we would prefer models that operate across the life-course, and which take consideration of the whole whānau – but this is not how our health system has evolved or is organised.
This collation of information positions Te Tiratū to advocate for Māori interests with the relevant national and regional leaders of these three domains. Over time we would hope we can have life-course and whānau-centred dialogue – but for now we work with the system in the way it is organised in order to penetrate and influence the system now.
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