We are pleased to present Volume Two of the Iwi-Māori Partnership Board Health Profiles. Together with Volume One, completed in late 2023, these two reports represent the most up-to-date snapshot of Māori health for the health sector.

We acknowledge the legacy of work associated with Māori-led health data reporting to date, from the seminal Hauora series to Tatau Kahukura and the 2015 District Health Board Māori Health Profiles, this volume continues the commitment to excellence that Māori communities and whānau both need and deserve.

Volume One includes key demographic information, mauri ora (overall health status), whānau ora (healthy families) and wai ora (healthy environments) indicators specific to each Iwi-Māori Partnership Board.

Volume Two presents additional indicators focused on Te Aka Whai Ora-identified health priority areas including kahu taurima (early years), māuiuitanga taumaha (long-term conditions), mate pukupuku (cancer), oranga hinengaro (mental health and addictions) and ko ētahi atu tohu pūnaha (other system indicators) specific to each Iwi-Māori Partnership Board.

The data presented within these profiles are a dimension of ‘whānau voice’. They represent Māori stories and Māori lived experience and should be valued as a taonga for the health system to use and respond to as part of the broader commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and equity.

The data presented in these profiles also require contextualisation – they are a starting point for Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards to interpret, together with other sources of information, and decide how best to respond to the needs (and rights) of the whānau within their rohe.

As the health sector transforms itself, Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards will play a pivotal role in understanding how the health sector is performing to meet the needs and aspirations of whānau in their area. This profile completes a commitment from Te Aka Whai Ora and Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora to provide Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards with data analysed from a Kaupapa Māori epidemiology positioning.

As Te Aka Whai Ora as an entity is disestablished, the commitment from Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora to continue this important work remains.

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